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Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

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7°C 11°C Wind from EE@17 km/h - 1032hPa - 0,5m 20km

7°C 12°C - - 1032hPa - 0,4m 4km

10°C 13°C Wind from EE@39 km/h - 1030hPa - - -

10°C - Wind from NNWNNW@5 km/h - 1035hPa -0hPa - 2km

8°C - Wind from NENE@18 km/h - 1033hPa -1hPa 0,9m 4km

8°C - Wind from NENE@18 km/h - 1033hPa -1hPa 1,1m 20km

10°C - Wind from WNWWNW@26 km/h - 1032hPa -0hPa 1,5m 9km

8°C - Wind from WW@24 km/h - 1031hPa -1hPa 1,6m 20km

9°C 12°C Wind from ENEENE@41 km/h - 1029hPa - 1,0m 9km

8°C - Wind from WNWWNW@13 km/h - 1035hPa -0hPa - -

8°C 12°C Wind from SSWSSW@21 km/h - 1033hPa - - -

10°C 11°C - - 1029hPa - - -

Sandettie Lightship at 02:00: Air:. 7°C, Water: 11°C, Wind: E@17km/h, Baro: 1032hPa, Waves:  0,5m Greenwich Lightship at 02:00: Air:. 7°C, Water: 12°C, Baro: 1032hPa, Waves:  0,4m Channel Lightship at 02:00: Air:. 10°C, Water: 13°C, Wind: E@39km/h, Baro: 1030hPa, Anasuria AWS at 02:00: Air:. 10°C, Wind: NNW@5km/h, Baro: 1035hPa (-0), No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. North Sea at 02:00: Air:. 8°C, Wind: NE@18km/h, Baro: 1033hPa (-1), Waves:  0,9m Clipper AWS at 02:00: Air:. 8°C, Wind: NE@18km/h, Baro: 1033hPa (-1), Waves:  1,1m Beryl A AWS at 02:00: Air:. 10°C, Wind: WNW@26km/h, Baro: 1032hPa (-0), Waves:  1,5m No recent reports. No recent reports. North Sea at 02:00: Air:. 8°C, Wind: W@24km/h, Baro: 1031hPa (-1), Waves:  1,6m No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. Sevenstones  at 02:00: Air:. 9°C, Water: 12°C, Wind: ENE@41km/h, Baro: 1029hPa, Waves:  1,0m North Sea at 02:00: Air:. 8°C, Wind: WNW@13km/h, Baro: 1035hPa (-0), No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. K4 Buoy at 02:00: Air:. 8°C, Water: 12°C, Wind: SSW@21km/h, Baro: 1033hPa, K5 Buoy at 02:00: Air:. 10°C, Water: 11°C, Baro: 1029hPa,

ID Naam Tijd CET Lucht °C Water °C Wind km/h Baro hPa Trend hPa Golven m Zicht km
62304 Sandettie Lightship 02:00 7 11 E Wind from E 17 1032 - 0,5 20
62305 Greenwich Lightship 02:00 7 12 - 1032 - 0,4 4
62103 Channel Lightship 02:00 10 13 E Wind from E 39 1030 - - -
62164 Anasuria AWS 02:00 10 - NNW Wind from NNW 5 1035 -0 - 2
62166ThamesNo recent reports.
62147Galaxy 111No recent reports.
63105Brent B AWSNo recent reports.
62142North SeaNo recent reports.
62145 North Sea 02:00 8 - NE Wind from NE 18 1033 -1 0,9 4
62144 Clipper AWS 02:00 8 - NE Wind from NE 18 1033 -1 1,1 20
63110 Beryl A AWS 02:00 10 - WNW Wind from WNW 26 1032 -0 1,5 9
63113Brent A AWSNo recent reports.
63104North SeaNo recent reports.
63112 North Sea 02:00 8 - W Wind from W 24 1031 -1 1,6 20
63117North SeaNo recent reports.
62091M2-20 NM E LambayNo recent reports.
62094M5-SENo recent reports.
62092M3-SW Mizen HeadNo recent reports.
62090M1-W Aran IsldNo recent reports.
62093M4-Donegal BayNo recent reports.
62303Pembroke BuoyNo recent reports.
62107 Sevenstones 02:00 9 12 ENE Wind from ENE 41 1029 - 1,0 9
62114 North Sea 02:00 8 - WNW Wind from WNW 13 1035 -0 - -
62301Aberporth BuoyNo recent reports.
64046K7 BuoyNo recent reports.
62125Station 62125No recent reports.
62081K2 BuoyNo recent reports.
62105 K4 Buoy 02:00 8 12 SSW Wind from SSW 21 1033 - - -
64045 K5 Buoy 02:00 10 11 - 1029 - - -

Script ontwikkeld door  Saratoga-weather.org

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