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Currently: 6.6, Min: 3.8, Max: 6.7
Overcast Overcast
7°C  steady
Feels like: 7°C
Inside: 23°C
This station High Low
Today: 7°C (14:05) 4°C (08:41)
Yesterday: 12°C (15:54) 3°C (01:17)
Month: 12°C (08-02) -3°C (02-02)
Year: 12°C (08-02) -5°C (14-01)


Rain Today:0,0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0,0 mm

Yesterday:0,0 mm

This Month:0,8 mm

Season Total:153,2 mm


Wind from SSE

Wind from SSE
0 km/h

0 Bft

1 km/h

Gust today:
5 km/h at 14:23


Sun :   sunrise  08:03 sunset  17:47

Daylight hh:mm 9:43 (+ 4 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  13:48 moonset  06:53

Waxing Gibbous,  90% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: falling 77%

Dew Point: steady 3°C

Barometer: steady 1028 hPa

Trend: Steady

Weatherforecast for Vaartkom-Leuven more information

Forecast for Vaartkom-Leuven.    by Leuven-Sluispark
Overcast Overcast Drizzle Rain Light rain Overcast Overcast Partly cloudy Some clouds Overcast Overcast Overcast Overcast Partly cloudy Overcast
Overcast Overcast, later Drizzle Rain, later Light rain Overcast Overcast, later Partly cloudy Some clouds, later Overcast Overcast Overcast Overcast Partly cloudy, later Overcast
-1° -2°
Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation
- 1,0 mm 8,8 mm 0,1 mm - - 0,1 mm 0,1 mm - -
Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from
NE NE → E E → S SW → S S NE → NW N NE → N SW → S NE → N
Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed
10 → 11 km/h 15 → 15 km/h 13 → 17 km/h 18 → 9 km/h 6 → 1 km/h 2 → 1 km/h 5 → 6 km/h 10 → 4 km/h 4 → 1 km/h 7 → 6 km/h
2 Bft 3 Bft 3 Bft 32 Bft 21 Bft 1 Bft 12 Bft 21 Bft 1 Bft 2 Bft
Light breeze Gentle breeze Gentle breeze Gentle breeze Light breeze Light air Light breeze Light breeze Light air Light breeze
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
1026,2 hPa 1020,2 hPa 1017,2 hPa 1021,3 hPa 1021,4 hPa 1021,3 hPa 1020,8 hPa 1021,5 hPa 1018,2 hPa 1018,3 hPa
Weather forecast data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.
Overcast Overcast Overcast Overcast Drizzle Rain Light rain Overcast Overcast Overcast
Overcast Overcast Overcast Overcast Drizzle Rain Light rain Overcast Overcast Overcast
0,1 mm - - 0,4 mm 0,6 mm 5,7 mm 3,1 mm 0,1 mm - -
4 km/h - S 10 km/h - NE 11 km/h - NE 15 km/h - NE 15 km/h - E 13 km/h - E 17 km/h - S 18 km/h - SW 9 km/h - S 6 km/h - S
here the graph will be drawn
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast 0,1 mm S 4 km/h from the S
1 Bft Light air
89 % 100 % 1028,8 hPa
19 - 01
Overcast Overcast - NE 10 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
94 % 97 % 1028,1 hPa
01 - 07
Overcast Overcast - NE 11 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
94 % 100 % 1026,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Overcast Overcast 0,4 mm NE 15 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
86 % 100 % 1024,1 hPa
13 - 19
Drizzle Drizzle 0,6 mm E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
94 % 100 % 1020,2 hPa
19 - 01
Rain Rain 5,7 mm E 13 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
96 % 100 % 1016,2 hPa
01 - 07
Light rain Light rain 3,1 mm S 17 km/h from the S
3 Bft Gentle breeze
97 % 100 % 1017,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Overcast Overcast 0,1 mm SW 18 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
85 % 100 % 1020,6 hPa
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast - S 9 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
85 % 100 % 1021,3 hPa
19 - 01
Overcast Overcast - S 6 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
91 % 82 % 1021,7 hPa
01 - 07
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy -1° - S 1 km/h from the S
1 Bft Light air
96 % 33 % 1021,4 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Some clouds Some clouds - NE 2 km/h from the NE
1 Bft Light air
69 % 100 % 1021,4 hPa
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast - NW 1 km/h from the NW
1 Bft Light air
77 % 100 % 1021,3 hPa
19 - 01
Overcast Overcast 0,1 mm N 5 km/h from the N
1 Bft Light air
89 % 100 % 1021,1 hPa
01 - 07
Overcast Overcast - N 6 km/h from the N
2 Bft Light breeze
95 % 100 % 1020,8 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Overcast Overcast 0,1 mm NE 10 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
80 % 100 % 1021,9 hPa
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast - N 4 km/h from the N
1 Bft Light air
70 % 100 % 1021,5 hPa
19 - 01
Overcast Overcast -1° - SW 4 km/h from the SW
1 Bft Light air
81 % 97 % 1020,2 hPa
01 - 07
Overcast Overcast -2° - S 1 km/h from the S
1 Bft Light air
88 % 76 % 1018,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy - NE 7 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
59 % 100 % 1017,9 hPa
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast - N 6 km/h from the N
2 Bft Light breeze
71 % 82 % 1018,3 hPa
19 - 01
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy -1° - NW 7 km/h from the NW
2 Bft Light breeze
84 % 78 % 1019,4 hPa
01 - 07
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy -4° - W 3 km/h from the W
1 Bft Light air
90 % 1 % 1019,6 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Clear Clear - NW 3 km/h from the NW
1 Bft Light air
60 % 89 % 1019,8 hPa
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast - W 1 km/h from the W
1 Bft Light air
76 % 100 % 1018,6 hPa
19 - 01
Overcast Overcast -1° - E 3 km/h from the E
1 Bft Light air
90 % 50 % 1017,2 hPa
01 - 07
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy -3° - E 6 km/h from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
93 % 9 % 1015 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Clear Clear - E 10 km/h from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
59 % 0 % 1012,6 hPa
13 - 19
Clear Clear -1° - NE 7 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
81 % 0 % 1010,7 hPa
19 - 01
Clear Clear -3° - E 6 km/h from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
90 % 97 % 1009,9 hPa
01 - 07
Overcast Overcast -1° 0,5 mm E 5 km/h from the E
1 Bft Light air
90 % 100 % 1008,8 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Light snow Light snow 0,6 mm SW 6 km/h from the SW
2 Bft Light breeze
86 % 100 % 1009,4 hPa
13 - 19
Overcast Overcast 0,1 mm SE 8 km/h from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
94 % 100 % 1008,5 hPa
19 - 01
Overcast Overcast 0,1 mm SE 11 km/h from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
88 % 100 % 1005,7 hPa
01 - 07
Overcast Overcast - E 13 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 100 % 1001,4 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
07 - 13
Light rain Light rain 1,2 mm SE 15 km/h from the SE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
86 % 100 % 997,5 hPa
13 - 19
Light rain Light rain 1,5 mm S 14 km/h from the S
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 100 % 993,8 hPa
19 - 01
Drizzle Drizzle 0,9 mm SW 13 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
95 % 100 % 993,7 hPa
Weather forecast data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
14 - 15 OvercastOvercast - W 3 km/h from the W
1 Bft Light air
81 % 3°C 98 % 1028,2 hPa
15 - 16 OvercastOvercast - N 4 km/h from the N
1 Bft Light air
80 % 3°C 99 % 1028,3 hPa
16 - 17 OvercastOvercast - NE 3 km/h from the NE
1 Bft Light air
86 % 3°C 100 % 1028,5 hPa
17 - 18 OvercastOvercast - SE 4 km/h from the SE
1 Bft Light air
88 % 3°C 98 % 1028,7 hPa
18 - 19 OvercastOvercast - S 4 km/h from the S
1 Bft Light air
89 % 3°C 100 % 1028,8 hPa
19 - 20 OvercastOvercast - W 3 km/h from the W
1 Bft Light air
90 % 3°C 100 % 1028,8 hPa
20 - 21 OvercastOvercast - N 6 km/h from the N
2 Bft Light breeze
91 % 3°C 100 % 1028,7 hPa
21 - 22 OvercastOvercast - NE 7 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
91 % 3°C 100 % 1028,6 hPa
22 - 23 OvercastOvercast - NE 9 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
93 % 3°C 99 % 1028,4 hPa
23 - 00 OvercastOvercast - NE 9 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
94 % 3°C 98 % 1028,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
00 - 01 OvercastOvercast - NE 10 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
94 % 2°C 97 % 1028,1 hPa
01 - 02 OvercastOvercast - NE 11 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
95 % 2°C 75 % 1027,9 hPa
02 - 03 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy - NE 11 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
96 % 1°C 67 % 1027,7 hPa
03 - 04 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy - NE 11 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
95 % 1°C 99 % 1027,1 hPa
04 - 05 OvercastOvercast - NE 10 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
95 % 0°C 100 % 1026,7 hPa
05 - 06 OvercastOvercast - NE 10 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
93 % 0°C 96 % 1026,6 hPa
06 - 07 OvercastOvercast - NE 11 km/h from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
94 % -1°C 100 % 1026,2 hPa
07 - 08 OvercastOvercast - NE 13 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % -1°C 100 % 1026 hPa
08 - 09 OvercastOvercast - NE 14 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
91 % -1°C 100 % 1025,8 hPa
09 - 10 OvercastOvercast - E 14 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
86 % -1°C 100 % 1025,7 hPa
10 - 11 Light sleetLight sleet 0,1 mm NE 13 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
85 % 0°C 100 % 1025,1 hPa
11 - 12 Light sleetLight sleet 0,1 mm NE 13 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
87 % 0°C 100 % 1024,7 hPa
12 - 13 Light sleetLight sleet 0,1 mm NE 15 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
86 % 0°C 100 % 1024,1 hPa
13 - 14 Light sleetLight sleet 0,2 mm NE 16 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 1°C 100 % 1023 hPa
14 - 15 DrizzleDrizzle 0,1 mm NE 15 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
92 % 1°C 100 % 1022,4 hPa
15 - 16 OvercastOvercast - NE 16 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 1°C 100 % 1021,8 hPa
16 - 17 OvercastOvercast - NE 15 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 1°C 100 % 1021,2 hPa
17 - 18 OvercastOvercast - E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
95 % 2°C 100 % 1020,8 hPa
18 - 19 OvercastOvercast - E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
94 % 2°C 100 % 1020,2 hPa
19 - 20 OvercastOvercast - E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 2°C 100 % 1019,6 hPa
20 - 21 OvercastOvercast - E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 2°C 100 % 1018,7 hPa
21 - 22 OvercastOvercast - E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 2°C 100 % 1018,1 hPa
22 - 23 RainRain 1,6 mm E 15 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 2°C 100 % 1017,4 hPa
23 - 00 RainRain 2,1 mm NE 14 km/h from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
95 % 2°C 98 % 1016,6 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
00 - 01 RainRain 2,0 mm E 13 km/h from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
96 % 2°C 100 % 1016,2 hPa
01 - 02 RainRain 1,9 mm E 12 km/h from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
97 % 3°C 100 % 1015,6 hPa
02 - 03 Light rainLight rain 0,4 mm SE 17 km/h from the SE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
96 % 3°C 100 % 1015,7 hPa
03 - 04 OvercastOvercast - S 20 km/h from the S
4 Bft Moderate breeze
95 % 3°C 83 % 1015,9 hPa
04 - 05 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy - S 17 km/h from the S
3 Bft Gentle breeze
95 % 3°C 100 % 1016,2 hPa
05 - 06 Light rainLight rain 0,7 mm S 17 km/h from the S
3 Bft Gentle breeze
97 % 3°C 100 % 1016,7 hPa
06 - 07 OvercastOvercast - S 17 km/h from the S
3 Bft Gentle breeze
97 % 3°C 100 % 1017,2 hPa
07 - 08 OvercastOvercast - SW 17 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
97 % 3°C 100 % 1018 hPa
08 - 09 OvercastOvercast - SW 16 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
96 % 3°C 100 % 1019 hPa
09 - 10 OvercastOvercast - SW 17 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
95 % 2°C 100 % 1019,6 hPa
10 - 11 OvercastOvercast - SW 17 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 2°C 100 % 1020 hPa
11 - 12 OvercastOvercast - SW 18 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 2°C 100 % 1020,5 hPa
12 - 13 OvercastOvercast - SW 18 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
85 % 2°C 100 % 1020,6 hPa
13 - 14 OvercastOvercast - SW 17 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
81 % 2°C 100 % 1020,3 hPa
14 - 15 OvercastOvercast - SW 15 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
79 % 2°C 100 % 1020,3 hPa
15 - 16 OvercastOvercast - SW 13 km/h from the SW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
80 % 2°C 100 % 1020,5 hPa
16 - 17 OvercastOvercast - S 10 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
82 % 2°C 100 % 1020,7 hPa
17 - 18 OvercastOvercast - S 9 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
84 % 2°C 100 % 1021 hPa
18 - 19 OvercastOvercast - S 9 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
85 % 2°C 100 % 1021,3 hPa
19 - 20 OvercastOvercast - S 10 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 2°C 100 % 1021,5 hPa
20 - 21 OvercastOvercast - S 10 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 1°C 94 % 1021,6 hPa
21 - 22 OvercastOvercast - S 9 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 1°C 95 % 1021,8 hPa
22 - 23 OvercastOvercast - S 10 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
84 % 1°C 96 % 1022 hPa
23 - 00 OvercastOvercast - S 8 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
86 % 1°C 91 % 1021,9 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
00 - 01 OvercastOvercast - S 6 km/h from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
91 % 1°C 82 % 1021,7 hPa
Weather forecast data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.

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